Capital Endodontics

Call or Text (608) 442-3300

Monday – Friday 7:30am–4:30pm


Comfortable, Convenient, Clean

Our practice takes pride in offering patients the most innovative and effective treatment options, and we are pleased to be the first GentleWave® provider in the Madison area.

How It Works

The GentleWave® System offers the latest advancements in acoustic technology and fluid dynamics to help aid in cleaning and disinfection of your root canal system1. It also follows a minimally invasive instrumentation protocol that allows for maximum preservation of your tooth structure1,2.

If you are interested in the GentleWave® Procedure, please contact our office at 608.442.3300 or


1 Molina B et al. (2015) JJ Endod. 41:1701-5

2 Sigurdsson A et al. (2016) J Endod. 42:1040-4848